Acupuncture for stress relief, boosting emotional, mental, spiritual well-being and immunity.

Love Yourself and Each Other. All Is One.

Healing Arts Center

at Northeast Rehab

  • Monday (Wilkes-Barre)

  • Tuesday (Scranton)

  • Wednesday (Scranton)

  • Thursday (Scranton)


#(570) 558-7293 option #2 to schedule

As a licensed acupuncturist I specialize in providing acupuncture assisted spiritual energy healing treatments, focused on overall energetic well-being and assisting in removing energy blockages. Acupuncture increases quality of life and decreases dis-ease symptoms. Regarding energetics, I am certified in Usui Reiki 3 and Reconnective Healing, the energies of which come through naturally in my treatments.

For those who are already feeling good and are attuned and connected to positive frequencies, I recommend that you go meet Dr. Maya for an Esoteric Acupuncture treatment. I have studied esoteric acupuncture myself, however, Dr. Maya has attended the workshops and has more hands-on experience with the esoteric acupuncture patterns. After I reacquaint myself with the esoteric acupuncture patterns, I will provide them as well.

If you are looking to feel better than you do right now, then come see me for a treatment and I believe you will be glad that you did. If, however, you are looking for Chinese herbal prescriptions then I recommend reaching out to the following practitioners:

If you are looking for counseling, I highly recommend:

Brian Snyder, L.Ac. & Energy Guide

“Acupuncture and energy medicine saved my life and opened my eyes to a whole new world.”

Graduated in 2011 from AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine

Licensed in Pennsylvania and Florida

Love is the Answer.

Acupuncture & Energy Guidance for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being


My passion is assisting in the evolution of human consciousness.

Like blades of grass in a field…


When one thrives, we all thrive.

Let’s lift each other up.


The insertion of fine, hair-like needles to promote the flow of energy and blood. This helps to process emotions, decrease pain, boost immunity, promote relaxation, and increase quality of life. While acupuncture alone cannot fix every health problem (such as those that require surgical intervention), it’s a wonderful addition to every other form of healthcare, and boosts the body’s natural healing response. Everyone would benefit from receiving acupuncture.

Energy Medicine

Everyone and everything is energy. This is something that the Western culture is only beginning to acknowledge. Our energy flow is intrinsically connected to our well-being, and is influenced by our thoughts and our actions. We are energy AND physicality, here on Earth. Therefore, we need to tend to our energy in order to thrive. There are many theories and approaches to energy medicine. Personally, I have studied Crystal Healing, Usui Reiki, Reconnective Healing, Tai Chi, Sheng Zhen Qigong and Zhineng Qigong. Universal energy comes through, naturally, in every treatment. I utilize energetic support from crystals of the Earth and beyond, to keep the room high vibration. I pray for the highest good of every human being, including those whom I treat. I also provide guidance in working with crystals for those who are interested.



Many people have the misconception that acupuncture hurts, and are surprised to learn that they oftentimes do not even feel the needles when they goes in. Once the needles are in, the body enters a deep state of relaxation, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and the brain releases feel-good hormones, such as endorphins and dopamine which decrease pain. It’s normal to feel like the needles are still in for a day or two after a treatment.

Energy Medicine

We are all made out of energy. Acupuncture helps to move stuck energy, making room for clear Qi to circulate through the body. There are many types of energy medicine. You can explore some of the different approaches to energy medicine, here: Energy Medicine. Universal energy naturally comes through during an acupuncture treatment. I help people to reconnect to their own energy, the energy of the Earth, and Universal energy. I help educate people as to different approaches to energy medicine that they can take, so that they can choose which direction(s) they would like to take in their personal evolutionary journey.

You are the Light of the World.

Let your light shine.